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Review: The Green Knight

The Green Knight

review | The Green Knight

David Lowery’s take on the medieval legend is both faithful and revisionist, and sumptuously gorgeous throughout

by Dennis Burger
August 26, 2021

There are, as best I can tell, three main reasons one might adapt an Arthurian legend for the silver screen. The first—and I submit Guy Ritchie’s awful Legend of the Sword as Exhibit A—could best be described as an attempt to create a crowd-pleasing modern action blockbuster with a built-in audience for which the director has little respect. 

The second—and I’ll submit John Boorman’s well-intentioned and engaging but overwrought Excalibur as Exhibit B—generally boils down to a desire to create a fantasy film and recognition of the fact that there are fewer legal barriers to entry when adapting works in the public domain. 

The third main impulse for adapting such works largely comes from a desire to illuminate, interpret, and start a discussion about why these stories still hold such sway in the modern mind. David Lowery’s The Green Knight largely falls under this umbrella.

I say “largely,” because it’s a difficult film to pin down. It’s partly a screen adaptation of the famous 14th Century epic poem, but partly a commentary on it. Even as I finish typing that, though, it feels wrong. The Green Knight isn’t so much commentary as it is a prompt for conversation, exploration, and reexamination of the source material. It’s more a question than an answer. 

It is, in many ways, Lowery’s way of telling the audience what this story means to him, and what lessons he thinks there are for modern audiences to learn in its medieval text. Interesting as that is, though, far more interesting is the room Lowery leaves the viewer to reflect on their own relationship with the poem and its place in the modern world. 

If you haven’t guessed from all the above rambling, The Green Knight is at times a very abstract work of cinema. Those unfamiliar with the source will likely be lost occasionally, and those more familiar with the poem will just as likely be pushed off balance by the elements of the original that Lowery is slavishly faithful to, those that he elides and expands, and the unrelated medieval legends he weaves into his narrative to reinforce the themes he wants to accentuate. It’s a weird mix of reverence and revisionism that certainly won’t be to everyone’s taste.

The one thing we can all agree on is that this is a sumptuously gorgeous film. There are long stretches that can only be described as pure audiovisual experience, and with the benefit of Theater at Home delivery via Vudu, I found myself tempted at times to reach for my remote and pause the film just to get lost in the perfect composition of a frame, the lushness of the colors, the richness of the contrasts, and the depth of the shadow detail. I resisted that temptation, since this is a work intended to be viewed in motion. But the temptation was there. 

Shot in 6.5K and finished in a 4K digital intermediate, the imagery is packed to the gills with detail of the sort that actually enhances the experience rather than merely throwing more pixels at your screen. Despite the judicious and effective employment of CGI, the film also relies on some old-school tricks of the trade, seemingly as a reminder that this isn’t an alternate reality to which you can escape but rather a piece of art on which to reflect. In Vudu’s Dolby Vision presentation, you can clearly see the reliance on matte paintings, an artform that Hollywood has been poorer for since abandoning. 

It’s true that there are a number of low-contrast shots throughout, especially low-light sequences photographed indoors with natural light, which means blacks aren’t always the inkiest and the image flattens out a bit, especially when compared with the most dramatic outdoor shots. But all of this seems intentional, and the dynamic metadata of Dolby Vision allows for each new shot to be tone-mapped to the capabilities of your display. Long story short, this is one of the few films I’ve seen recently where Dolby Vision isn’t merely a technical nicety but a borderline necessity to keep the image from devolving into a puddle of indistinct grays in a handful of shots. 

There are a few fleeting moments of banding in Vudu’s streaming rental (less than one second in total, I reckon), but I’m half-convinced this banding is baked into the master. And I say this because the opening scene—with its eye-reactive highlights and deep shadows and the quick transitions between those two extremes—is the sort of image you would forgive for being a bit banded even on full-bandwidth UHD Blu-ray. But I didn’t see a hint of such. 

The expanded gamut of Dolby Vision also effectively captures the nuances of cinematographer Andrew Droz Palermo’s imagery, adding some additional richness to the fabrics and foliage and conveying in seconds what the original poet sometimes took multiple stanzas to articulate. 

As for the audio, I feel like a bit of a broken record for saying this but once again we have a Premium VOD rental whose levels haven’t been optimized for home cinemas. My best estimation is that it’s mastered about 4.5dB below reference levels, so go ahead and crank up the volume from the giddy-up (assuming you’re renting it via Vudu—other providers might have tweaked the levels). 

I wish I could tell you more about the mix, but I was so hypnotized by the film that I rarely noticed the technical aspects of the sound, aside from the aforementioned stretches that could best be described as pure audiovisual experience. But, measuring things by my personal yardstick, I’d say that’s the mark of really effective sound design. It’s never distracting, but it is carefully orchestrated, thoughtful, and always clear in its delivery of dialogue—assuming, again, that you give your volume knob a bit of a twist to the right. 

For the past few days, since I staked claim to this movie for review, my colleague John Sciacca has been hammering my text-messaging inbox, asking me for my assessment of it. And I’m still not sure I’ve fully made up my mind about the film just yet, nor am I sure I ever will, despite the fact that I’ll be buying it the instant it’s permanently released to home video. 

“Did you like it?” he asked me last night, I suppose tiring of my vacillating and ambivalating. I’m not sure that’s the right question, to be honest. What I will say is: The film continues to haunt me. I simply cannot shake it. It has also, in some not-so-subtle ways, changed my relationship with the text of Sir Gaiwan and the Green Knight. Or, it would be more accurate to say, it has prompted me to reassess that relationship on my own terms. 

I sat down last night to re-read the poem, not through Lowery’s lens, but rather through a lens of my own making that Lowery nudged me into grinding and polishing myself. I reached for Tolkien’s translation, always my first choice for its fidelity and excellent footnotes. A few pages in, though, I found myself longing for something different, something more energetic. So, I put down the Tolkien and picked up my less-well-worn copy of Simon Armitage’s more recent translation, which I’ve never quite been able to give myself over to completely. Something changed after having seen The Green Knight. The immediacy and energy of Armitage’s verse rang truer to me than the scholarly pedanticism of Tolkien. 

Of course, the Professor’s interest in the poem was always more philological, whereas Armitage’s is undeniably more emotional. I can appreciate that now. In fact, as ashamed as I am to admit this, I think I love both translations in equal measure, but for different reasons. 

I’m not sure I ever would have reached that point without having seen The Green Knight. And although I’m not sure this was Lowery’s intention with the film, I’m sure he’d be pleased to hear it. 

Dennis Burger is an avid Star Wars scholar, Tolkien fanatic, and Corvette enthusiast who somehow also manages to find time for technological passions including high-end audio, home automation, and video gaming. He lives in the armpit of Alabama with his wife Bethany and their four-legged child Bruno, a 75-pound American Staffordshire Terrier who thinks he’s a Pomeranian.

PICTURE | The imagery is packed to the gills with detail of the sort that actually enhances the experience rather than merely throwing more pixels at your screen.

SOUND | The sound design is never distracting but carefully orchestrated, thoughtful, and always clear in its delivery of dialogue.

© 2025 Cineluxe LLC

Review: Red Notice

Red Notice (2021)

review | Red Notice

Netflix spent $200 million to come up with this action-driven heist film that critics hate but viewers seem to love

by John Sciacca
November 18, 2021

Red Notice boasts Netflix’ biggest budget to date, along with its highest level of A-list talent, in the form of Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot. With an estimated budget of $200 million, and a limited theatrical release to be eligible for awards consideration, any thoughts Netflix isn’t treating its original tentpole productions with the same focus as traditional Hollywood studios is totally out the window, further eroding any arguments against streaming services as legitimate forms of entertainment.

While it doesn’t break any new ground, and relies heavily on elements from heist movies like the Ocean’s films starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt, the Mission: Impossible franchise, and Indiana Jones—at one point, Reynolds even whistles the Indy theme—the chemistry between Reynolds and Johnson and their anti-buddy frenemy relationship makes for an entertaining two hours. Watching Reynolds needle Johnson for almost the entire film was great, and you have to wonder if the genesis of this bond was formed during Reynold’s cameo in Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw. We watched Red Notice right after Shang Chi and everyone in our group preferred Red.

We’re informed during the opening credits that a Red Notice is, “The highest level of arrest warrant issued by The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), reserved for the world’s most wanted criminals.”

We’re then told that 2,000 years ago, Marcus Antonius gave Cleopatra three bejeweled eggs. While the whereabouts of one egg is known, the second is rumored to be in the possession of a notorious arms dealer and the third remains lost. An Egyptian billionaire wants to give all three of the eggs to his daughter, Cleopatra (Brenna Marie Narayan), as a wedding present, and he has offered a massive reward to whoever can deliver. This attracts the attention of international art thief Nolan Booth (Reynolds), but also puts FBI profiler Special Agent John Hartley (Johnson) and Interpol agent Urvashi Das (Ritu Arya) on high alert when one of the eggs is put on display at a museum in Rome. 

After thinking he has made off with the first egg, Booth is apprehended by Hartley and Das at his home in Bali, but the egg is then stolen by Booth’s main competitor for title of “World’s Best Thief,” The Bishop (Gadot). The Bishop also plants disinformation that makes it appear Hartley was in on the heist, which leads to he and Booth winding up in the same Russian prison cell, forcing them to work together.

Throw in a bad guy named Sotto Voce (Chris Diamantopoulos), who looks eerily like a cross between Paul Rudd and Dos Equis’ “World’s Most Interesting Man,” a bull fight, elaborate escapes and thefts, chases, and Nazis, and you’ll have a pretty good idea what Red Notice is about. 

What the film lacks in originality, it more than makes up for in fun, packing in almost non-stop action with plenty of big scenes and a ton of locations—Rome, Bali, Russia, London, Valencia, Argentina, Cairo, Sardinia, Paris—that keep the visuals fresh and interesting. There are also plenty of plot twists along the way to keep you entertained. 

And humor. Reynolds brings his signature snark to almost every scene, similar to the PG-13 patter he brought to Free Guy. In fact, I daresay the only reason I can think of to not see this is if you aren’t a fan of Reynolds’ humor. Also, since all three of the leads have experience playing superheroes—Black Adam for Johnson, Wonder Woman for Gadot, and both Green Lantern and Deadpool for Reynolds—they know their way around action and choreographing exciting fight scenes.

Netflix has been a real advocate for 4K HDR in its productions, so it’s no surprise that Red Notice was shot in a combination of 6K and 8K resolution, and that the transfer is taken from a true 4K digital intermediate with Dolby Vision HDR grading, resulting in images that are sharp, clean, and highly detailed throughout.

A scene in the opening shows a line drawing of Cleopatra, and its lines are crisp, sharp, and defined. Closeups reveal tons of detail in the actors’ faces, making it easy to see the creases, crags, and lines in Johnson’s head and face versus Reynolds’ whiskers and stubble and the smooth near-perfection of Gadot’s skin. You can also really appreciate the texture in surfaces like the stone and brick walls outside the museum in Rome or the pebbled surface of the doors and sides of an armored car, or the detail and sharpness of individual leaves in a jungle forest. Even lengthy shots like one of London in golden early morning light have lots of sharpness. 

There is also a ton of pop courtesy of the DolbyVision HDR grading. Right from the very beginning, I noticed how saturated the color red is in the titles. There are also beautiful, bright highlights off golden objects such as one of the eggs, or from bright sunlight streaming in through windows, or interiors lit by warm lighting that almost give the images a glow. Other scenes, like one showing video screens inside a security station, really pop with bright highlights. Black levels were deep and solid and clean throughout as well. The only bit of streaming nastiness I noticed was a moment when characters were dunked underwater, and there was a bit of posterization in the murky lighting.

Sonically, the Dolby Atmos track definitely enhanced the fun with a pretty dynamic mix. We get nice atmospheric effects like voices echoing off the hard museum walls, the flat sound inside an old bunker, the swirls of winds and snow, the background yells, commotion, and buzzers in a prison, or the huge crowd roars and cheers during the bullfight. 

The mix also really expands when called on via active height channels used effectively to add another sonic layer when appropriate. We get the almost requisite Atmos helicopter flyover that clearly races overhead, or the sounds of water bubbling up all around, and moments like The Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage” blaring from all channels prior to the start of a big chase. 

There is plenty of action here, and I was surprised by the depth of the bass performance. Besides the report of gunfire, you can really feel the weight of heavy doors as they slam shut or the concussion of grenades as they go off.

Thanks to its generous budget, the visual effects and production values are first-rate, and the leads play their roles exactly as you would expect. Honestly, this feels like a big-budget Hollywood production that would have been successful at the box office. For Netflix subscribers, I can’t think of any reason why you wouldn’t add it to your list.

Probably the most experienced writer on custom installation in the industry, John Sciacca is co-owner of Custom Theater & Audio in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, & is known for his writing for such publications as Residential Systems and Sound & Vision. Follow him on Twitter at @SciaccaTweets and at johnsciacca.com.

PICTURE | The transfer is taken from a true 4K digital intermediate with Dolby Vision HDR grading, resulting in images that are sharp, clean, and highly detailed throughout.

SOUND | The Dolby Atmos track definitely enhances the fun with a pretty dynamic mix with surprisingly deep bass performance.

© 2025 Cineluxe LLC

Review: King Richard

King Richard (2021)

review | King Richard

Will Smith’s performance and actors who actually seem to know how to play tennis keep things interesting & believable in this story of the early years of Venus and Serena Williams

by John Sciacca
November 26, 2021

I’m not sure exactly how accurate Warner Bros.’ new film King Richard is when it comes to telling the “true” story about the origins of tennis legends Venus and Serena Williams growing up, or the antics of their father Richard, but I will say it was an entertaining feel-good film with great performances all around that really gives you a sense of the obstacles these girls/women overcame and just how much raw talent they had. I also walked away thinking that if their father was even half the character as portrayed by Will Smith, then the girls’ talent was truly off-the-charts for any of the people to actually take a chance on them and be forced to put up with him.

The film focuses on a fairly narrow slice of the girls’ lives, covering just a few years from when they start their serious training up until Venus (Saniyya Sidney) turns pro and competes in her first tournament in 1994 at age 14. Similar to Rockyfor a movie based on two of the greatest female tennis players of all time, there actually isn’t a lot of tennis. We get some scenes with them practicing, trying out for coaches, training, and some moments from Venus’s junior tournaments, but it’s really not until the big final matches when Venus turns pro that we see a lot of court action. The movie concentrates more on Richard’s all-focused drive on getting them to the top and making them the best, and showing us the hardships they had to overcome—Serena (Demi Singleton) and Venus shared a room and even a bed with three other half-sisters in a small house in Compton, California.

I also don’t know if Sidney or Singleton have any actual tennis talent, but both sure look convincing on screen, which is what matters here. I was a golf professional in my previous career, and it is always a huge distraction in most golf films when it’s clear the actor couldn’t break 100 to save his life. Here, the girls’ mechanics are definitely believable, with strong, aggressive ground strokes and serves that look like the real deal. Even more impressive, Sidney is left-handed, but actually learned to play right for the film—though I do think the actors are physically smaller than the actual Williams sisters, who were imposing even at a young age.

Having read the Tiger Woods biography by Jeff Benedict, I saw quite a few parallels between the two stories. In both cases, you had less-privileged kids pushed to greatness by the drive and willpower of fathers who recognized their potential and wouldn’t take no for an answer. In this case, Richard had come up with his “plan” even before the girls were born, and he was laser-focused on sticking to it and making them the best, regardless of obstacles or setbacks.

We get a sense that young Venus and Serena enjoyed playing and practicing, but was that because it was just living up to the plan constantly being drilled into them, they were trying to please overbearing Richard, they recognized tennis as their way to a better life, or they actually loved playing? Another common thread between King Richard and Tiger’s story was that of dropping supporters/coaches once they had reached the end of their usefulness, with people used just as stepping-stones to get to the next level.

While the film is struggling at the box office, having brought in a worldwide gross of just $8.4 million to date against its $50 million budget, it’s available day & date on HBO Max in 4K HDR with Dolby Vision from a 4K digital intermediate and a Dolby Atmos soundtrack. 

The opening images are a bit soft and have a desaturated color palette that feels like we are stepping back in time, but with the clarity and cleanness that is the signature of digital over film. Closeups certainly deliver loads of detail, and when we come in tight on Smith’s face you can see all the fine lines, pores, and individual hairs in his beard, or see the texture in fabrics like tennis shirts and sweaters. You also get nice sharp, tight lines, such as when shooting through chain-link fences surrounding tennis courts or the brick-and-mortar at country club buildings. Some longer shots, such as the pans of crowds at the Bank of the West tournament, also deliver sharp focus and detail. 

The Dolby Vision grade is fairly restrained but is used to create natural-looking images with lots of depth and shadow detail throughout, with some added highlights when called for. Some of the best-looking images are the outdoor, sunlit scenes on the courts, where the lens just soaks up all the natural light, and where we get some gleaming white tennis shirts and shorts. We also get some night scenes with neon lights, sirens, tennis court lights, and headlights that pop against the black.

With the vast majority of the movie being dialogue that moves the story forward, don’t expect too much from this Dolby Atmos mix, but it definitely keeps the voices in the center channel, where they are always clear and intelligible. The surrounds and height speakers are used to expand the music and score—this might be the first and only time you can hear Kenny Rogers’ “The Gambler” in Atmos—and we also get some nice atmospheric audio when appropriate, like the sounds of street traffic or the sounds of birds, bugs, and insects. Occasionally, we get some overhead channel activity from rain storms or the echo of PA announcements. We also get a nice, authoritative POP! when Venus is whacking the ball.

King Richard is an entertaining, well-made, and well-acted film, and with Rotten Tomatoes critics’ and audience scores of 91 and 98% respectively, it would not be a surprise to see Will Smith up for his third Best Actor nomination. Other than a few uses of the n-word, it is definitely family friendly, and kept my 15 year old—who has no interest in tennis—engaged. Streaming now on HBO Max, it is certainly worth giving a watch. 

Probably the most experienced writer on custom installation in the industry, John Sciacca is co-owner of Custom Theater & Audio in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, & is known for his writing for such publications as Residential Systems and Sound & Vision. Follow him on Twitter at @SciaccaTweets and at johnsciacca.com.

PICTURE | The Dolby Vision grade is fairly restrained but is used to create natural-looking images with lots of depth and shadow detail throughout.

SOUND | Since the movie relies on dialogue to move the story forward, there’s not a lot going on in the Dolby Atmos mix, but it definitely keeps the voices in the center channel, where they are always clear and intelligible.

© 2025 Cineluxe LLC

Review: Last Night in Soho

Last Night in Soho (2021)

review | Last Night in Soho

Subtle, inventive use of the Atmos mix really makes this flashing-back-to-the-’60s thriller come to life

by Dennis Burger
November 27, 2021

Anyone interested in better understanding the art of sound mixing should study the Dolby Atmos soundtrack for Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho as if it were the Rosetta Stone. And, yes, I know I’m doing things right backwards here, talking about the sound before discussing the merits of the film itself. But the simple fact is that the shape of sound is so integral to the experience of Soho that leading with anything else would feel wrong. Wright and his sound department employ the expanded soundfield of Atmos in much the way The Wizard of Oz employs Technicolor—although in this case there’s a lot more back-and-forth and the transitions are at times so subtle as to be easily missed. 

And to explain what I’m on about here, I need to tell you a bit about the narrative of the film. Last Night in Soho is the story of Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie), a young country girl who’s noteworthy for two reasons: Firstly, she’s a talented designer who’s been accepted into the London College of Fashion; secondly, she is gifted—or afflicted, depending on your perspective—with psychic abilities very much akin to those of Danny from The Shining. She sees the past as vividly as she sees the present. 

Both of those facts come into play when the introverted Ellie finds herself overwhelmed by dormitory life and rents a room in a quaint but creepy old home, then nearly immediately becomes transported via her dreams into the 1960s, where she alternately observes and embodies a striking young woman named Sandie (Anya Taylor-Joy), who gets mixed up with all the wrong sorts of men in her attempt to make it as a singer. 

And it’s during those transitions between the modern, waking world and Ellie’s dreams/visions that the Atmos mix really springs to life. Until that point, the audio is a largely front-focused affair, with surrounds used mostly for subtle ambience and spaciousness. It honestly wouldn’t make a world of difference if it were straight stereo. And that subdued mixing really works well with the overall aesthetic of the film, which was shot largely on 35mm with a mix of flat and anamorphic lenses, and really evokes the feel of supernatural thrillers from the late ’60s. So much so that elements of the modern world—wireless headphones, current cars—feel like an anachronistic intrusion.  

But when we’re yanked back to the ’60s, the film takes on a much more modern feel, and the Atmos soundscape positively explodes into its full potential, packed with immersive overhead audio effects (mostly musical in nature) and aggressive use of the surround channels. And from here on out, that shift between the flat, enhanced-stereo approach and the full-blown Atmos experience serves as the audience’s primary indicator of whether we’re experiencing the world as Ellie experiences it or the mundane modern world in which she is quickly losing her grasp on reality. 

As I’m writing all of this, I know it sounds like a gimmick. But this trick is so artfully—and at times subtly—orchestrated that it doesn’t feel at all gimmicky in the moment. So if you’re planning on venturing out into a commercial cinema to see Last Night in Soho while it’s still being publicly exhibited, make sure you do so in a one equipped with Atmos. But I imagine most Cineluxe readers will be better served by a good home cinema setup and access to a PVOD rental of the sort Kaleidescape is offering right now. 

Kaleidescape’s download delivers its sumptuous cinematography with all the detail and texture you could hope for, preserving the subtle film grain and wonderfully capturing cinematographer Chung-hoon Chung’s nuanced color palette. As with the audio, the imagery is a study in contrasts, with a predominantly earthy look that’s punctuated by splashes of primary hues and neon lighting. A handful of scenes might have been better served by the enhanced peak brightness and dynamic metadata of Dolby Vision, but Kaleidescape’s HDR10 presentation nonetheless gives the picture a lot of breathing room at the lower end of the value scale, opening up the shadows and giving the image a lot of depth where appropriate. 

And for a film whose substance is tied largely to its style, that’s important. Last Night in Soho won’t be to everyone’s taste, and even if you love it as much as I do, I think you’ll find some flaws with it. Wright attempts to load the film with a bit more meaning than its narrative framework will support. And in paying homage to the whole of the 1960s—from its fashions to its music to the diversity of its cinema, ranging from Polanski to EON Productions—he’s bitten off a bit more than he can chew. All of which makes Last Night in Soho flawed by any objective measure. But it’s one of the most fascinatingly flawed films I’ve seen in ages, which makes it a shoo-in for Day One purchase the instant it’s available on home video proper. 

Dennis Burger is an avid Star Wars scholar, Tolkien fanatic, and Corvette enthusiast who somehow also manages to find time for technological passions including high-end audio, home automation, and video gaming. He lives in the armpit of Alabama with his wife Bethany and their four-legged child Bruno, a 75-pound American Staffordshire Terrier who thinks he’s a Pomeranian.

PICTURE | The Kaleidescape download delivers the movie’s sumptuous cinematography with all the detail and texture you could hope for.

SOUND | The Atmos soundscape positively explodes into its full potential during the flashback scenes, packed with immersive overhead audio effects and aggressive use of the surround channels.

© 2025 Cineluxe LLC

Review: The Dark Knight Trilogy

The Dark Knight Trilogy

review | The Dark Knight Trilogy

The UHD Blu-rays of Christopher Nolan’s iconic superhero trilogy make these films as vivid as they were when first seen in theaters

by John Sciacca
December 6, 2021

Christopher Nolan does several things to elevate the Dark Knight trilogy above other fantasy series. First, he weighted the cast with fantastic actors. Throughout the three films we have Christian Bale in the double role of Bruce Wayne and Batman, Michael Caine as butler-cum-conscience Alfred, Gary Oldman as Commissioner Jim Gordon, and Morgan Freeman who runs Wayne Enterprises’ Applied Sciences Division as Lucius Fox, anchoring the principal cast. Each of them has won at least one Academy Award and been nominated for multiple—a ton of firepower to build your franchise around. For villains, we get Ken Watanabe, Liam Neeson, Cillian Murphy, Heath Ledger, and Tom Hardy. And that doesn’t even mention the multiple other characters that weave through the story, like Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Nestor Carbonell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Aaron Eckart. The films are packed with A-listers and the quality of the acting shows throughout.

Second, Batman has always been the hero most grounded in reality, and Nolan really makes that feel real here. Bale is believable as billionaire playboy Wayne—buying hotels, dating supermodels, and driving Lamborghinis—but he’s also not invincible, and is a complete physical wreck by the third film. But Wayne isn’t alone in his endeavors, and it’s the equally important team of Alfred—who handles many of the logistics and runs things behind the scenes to allow Wayne to keep his secret identity—and Fox, who gives the perfect (and plausible) answer as to how and where Batman gets all those wonderful toys—that really make the story work. Between the three of them, it’s far easier to buy into the action and that Batman would have this tech at his disposal and be the savior Gotham needs. 

Third, Nolan manages to walk the style line between Marvel and DC, even before they existed as such. Coming in three years before Iron Man (the first film in the MCU) Batman Begins was the first modern big-budget superhero film, and Nolan set the tone, again choosing to ground it more in reality and shoot with a mentality towards making a great movie instead of just a great superhero movie. Where Marvel’s formula leans towards being light when it needs to, and DC—especially with the Zack Snyder films—tends to go overly dark and somber, Nolan found a way to be serious and mature but still fun. The light moments are far more a well-placed clever comment from Alfred or Lucius than something gratuitously placed for a laugh. 

Finally, and perhaps the most important thing, Nolan doesn’t rush things. The shortest film in the trilogy is 140 minutes, with the longest running 165, giving Nolan plenty of time to let things develop and unfold. This is particularly evident in Batman Begins, where we don’t even see Wayne as Batman until an hour into the film. Think about that—for the first 43% of a superhero movie, we don’t even see the superhero. Instead, Nolan takes Wayne and us on a lengthy journey lasting years to get the training needed to believably transform him from a soft socialite into a hard vigilante, while interspersing the history of Gotham and the Wayne family along the way. The same is true with The Dark Knight Rises, where the first 45 minutes pass without a Batman sighting, instead letting us see the toll it has taken on Wayne. Nolan lets the story build, develop, and speak for itself, instead of feeling the insecurity of needing to insert the hero into every scene. And by including the same principal cast throughout the films, we have nearly eight hours to become invested in these characters. 

All three films were originally filmed in 35mm but have been remastered for their UltraHD release, and these new transfers are taken from true 4K digital intermediates. As I’ve said before, don’t expect film-to-4K transfers to have the tack-sharp look of modern digital productions, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a ton of detail, especially on closeups. You can definitely see all the fine lines and wear on Bale’s face, the texture in fabrics, the construction of his vehicles, and both the grit and polish of Gotham.

What makes these transfers really pop, though, is the HDR grading. Much of the action takes place at night or in dark interiors, and the HDR gives us a foundation of deep, solid blacks with which to pop bright highlights, resulting in images that are far more realistic. There is also more headroom to pump highlights into reflections glinting off glass or metal, or the brightness of an explosion, or headlights/sirens during night chases. And when you combine the sharpness, clarity, and detail of 4K with the inky blacks and bright pops of HDR, such as in long exterior shots of Hong Kong or Gotham, you end up with images that are beautiful to behold.  

Nolan is fairly well known at this point for his dislike of immersive audio formats like Dolby Atmos, so all three of these films make do with a 5.1-channel DTS HD-Master mix. Fortunately, when routed through the upmixer of a modern processor (DTS: Neural in my case), you get a terrific sense of immersion.  While you get some ambient sounds on the streets of Gotham, it’s the big action scenes that really show off your system, with sounds frequently encircling the entire room, including up overhead. Whether it is people under the trippy influence of Scarecrow’s (Murphy) gas, or Batman crushing over things in the Tumbler or flying around in The Bat, or the stadium-filled echo of the young boy (“What a lovely, lovely voice”) singing the National Anthem, the mix delivers.

Explosions, gun shots, and vehicle crashes—of which there are plenty across the three films—also have plenty of authority and weight, with your subwoofers definitely energizing the room to tactile levels. There was one scene where the loud THWACK! of an arrow suddenly slamming into a target made both my wife and daughter jump.  

I also happen to love the Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard scores, especially for The Dark Knight with The Joker’s theme, which has a frantic, crazed quality that drives the tension; and the music definitely gets room to expand across the front channels and overhead. The Dark Knight opens with a bank robbery, and the long drawn out and unsettling string notes inform you something sinister is about to happen. 

Dialogue is mostly intelligible, though there were some moments—particularly in the third film with Bane (Hardy) speaking behind a mask—where the combination of music, mayhem, and on-set recorded dialogue made some lines a bit tricky to hear, but certainly nothing like the sonic mess of Nolan’s Interstellar or Tenet. 

With his Dark Knight trilogy, Nolan accomplished one of the toughest feats in Hollywood—making a sequel that is better than the original. In fact, The Dark Knight is the fourth highest-rated film on IMDB’s Top 250, behind The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, and The Godfather: Part II. And as good as it is, The Dark Knight Returns is arguably better in ways.

This trilogy belongs in any collection, especially now that it has been given the 4K treatment, and if it has been more than a few years since you’ve watched these films, they make for a terrific movie weekend. 

Probably the most experienced writer on custom installation in the industry, John Sciacca is co-owner of Custom Theater & Audio in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, & is known for his writing for such publications as Residential Systems and Sound & Vision. Follow him on Twitter at @SciaccaTweets and at johnsciacca.com.

PICTURE | The HDR grading really makes these 4K transfers pop. With much of the action taking place at night or in dark interiors, HDR provides a foundation of deep, solid blacks with which to pop bright highlights, resulting in images that are far more realistic.

SOUND | Since Christopher Nolan doesn’t like Dolby Atmos, all three films make do with 5.1-channel DTS HD-Master mixes. Fortunately, when routed through the upmixer of a modern processor, you get a terrific sense of immersion.

© 2025 Cineluxe LLC

Review: Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Venom II

review | Venom: Let There Be Carnage

It’s not high art, but both audiences & critics seems to like this followup better than the first Venom effort

by John Sciacca
December 6, 2021

Venom: Let There Be Carnage, actually works better the original Venom, and is more entertaining, because we skip past the first film’s tedious and laborious first act, largely ignore Brock as a journalist, and just jump to the, well, carnage. The film also trims 15 minutes from the original’s run time, getting down to a tighter 97 minutes that doesn’t overstay its welcome. Don’t get me wrong, Carnage certainly isn’t high-brow entertainment, but it comes to deliver a big, over-the-top, popcorn-munching actioner, and in that respect, it succeeds. And even the critics agree.

 Where the first film received a paltry 30% Rotten Tomatoes score, this new one is clinging to a barely-fresh 60%. Of course, that matters little to Hollywood, and Venom scored where it needed to, mainly bringing in more than $850 million worldwide, which all but guaranteed a sequel—which was teased in the film’s mid-credits sequence where Brock goes to visit a convicted killer in San Quentin State Prison who proclaims that once he is released, there will be “carnage.” 

While watching Venom isn’t a prerequisite to “enjoying” Carnage, it’s helpful to understanding how Eddie became Venom and their “special” symbiotic relationship, as well as providing backstory on some of the returning characters, such as ex-girlfriend Anne (Michelle Williams) and shopkeeper Mrs. Chen (Peggy Lu). 

Also cribbing from my Venom review, if you go into this expecting to see your favorite web-slinger or other Marvel Cinematic Universe characters, you’re going to be disappointed. Venom and Carnage stand off in their own section of the MCU . . . for now. Let’s just say, the multi-verse is coming and you should definitely stay for Carnage’s mid-credits scene, which will open up a whole new world.

The film opens in a flashback as Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson) and girlfriend Frances Barrison (Naomie Harris) are living in St. Estes Home for Unwanted Children. Frances is taken away by police but during the transfer, she unleashes a powerful sonic scream, deafening Officer Mulligan (Stephen Graham) and allowing her to escape. 

Meanwhile, Eddie/Venom are still coming to terms with their unique living arrangement—biting people’s heads off is no longer acceptable—and Eddie is back working as a journalist. Kasady, now a convicted serial killer on death row in San Quentin, will only speak with Eddie following their original interview (shown in Venom’s mid-credit scene). During one of these visits, Kasady bites Eddie—“I have tasted blood before. And that is not it!”—and he absorbs the symbiote that becomes Carnage.And, well, cue the action and mayhem as Kasady/Carnage goes on the loose in San Francisco looking for his lost love Frances/Shriek.

Carnage is directed by Andy Serkis, who is largely regarded as the king of motion-capture performances from his roles as Gollum in the Lord of the Rings franchise and The Hobbit, King Kong, Caesar in the Planet of the Apes reboots, and Supreme Leader Snoke from Star Wars: Episodes VII and VIII. Serkis certainly understands working in big budget, big action, VFX laden films, and he keeps things moving here—and that’s maybe why it feels a bit thin, as Carnage seems to care less about character development and relationships other than Brock/Venom, and more about getting to the next big CGI-filled battle. 

The movie looks to lighten things up with a lot of dialogue between Eddie and Venom, as the two argue back-and-forth about acceptable behavior and Eddie’s life choices. One small nit here is that Venom’s voice (which sounds similar to Bane’s from The Dark Knight Rises) as well as Carnage’s can be a bit difficult to understand at times. Both voices are heavily manipulated digitally and mixed with a lot of bass, which will certainly test your audio system’s calibration, crossover, and level settings. Get it too heavy-handed and these voices will be a boomy, muffled mess; go too light and you’ll miss that deep resonance that gives them the right weight. But even dialed-in, dialogue—especially the Eddie/Venom exchanges—can be slightly challenging to understand.

Shot on a combination of 4.5 and 6.5K, this transfer is taken from a 2K digital intermediate, which isn’t unusual for such effects-heavy films. Interestingly, Serkis switched to a 1.85:1 aspect ratio for Carnage which plays “fuller” at home on a 16:9 screen, rather than the 2.39:1 scope presentation preferred for most action films. As with most digitally shot productions, images are clean and sharp throughout, and closeups exhibit a ton of detail, such as the fine pores in Hardy’s face or the crisp pattern on shirts or tight detail in a prison’s chain link fence. 

Visually Carnage has a ton to offer, and the HDR presentation really helps images pop. There are a couple of standout scenes that are visually stunning, such as Venom having a night out on the town and the film’s big finale in a church. You can really see the benefits of the HDR grading during night shots in San Francisco, where there are neon lights and headlights a plenty, or the vibrant red of Brock’s Ducati and its glowing brake lights, along with the high brightness of flares and explosions. When Venom steps into a club, you get a ton of bright colors from costumes worn by other club-goers and glow-sticks and other objects that react to the blacklights. The cathedral is it lit by glowing, warm light, with the lighting and shadows looking appropriately dark and natural, along with a beautiful stained-glass window.

Sonically, the Dolby TrueHD Atmos soundtrack offers a lot of demo-worthy and dynamic moments, with a steady combination of subtle atmospherics to establish scenes along with over-the-top action (literally, in the case of the height speakers). For subtler moments, notice the sounds in a hospital early on as well as in the prison, with little establishing sounds happening all around and PA announcements coming overhead, or the sounds of swirling winds high atop a building. Another nice Atmos demo is the placement of the TV audio in Brock’s apartment. As he goes to answer the door and then moves around the room, notice how the TV’s audio slides and shifts around the room.

Action scenes also certainly take advantage of all your speakers, with objects and characters thrown to every side and corner of your room, helicopters and rain/thunder pounding overhead, a Venom tornado that swirls 360 degrees around you, sonic blasts from Shriek, and more. 

As mentioned, the bass levels of Venom’s/Carnage’s voice can be a bit tricky but the film also has several moments of truly momentous subsonic bass that will push your subwoofers to their limits. The opening especially has some massive bass you’ll feel in your chest, along with loads of slam from things being thrown/smashed during fights, Venom yelling/jumping/stomping, the collapse of buildings, or the thunderous gong from a massive bell. 

Venom: Let There Be Carnage isn’t a great film, but it is an entertaining one that looks and sounds great. It’s one of those where you just sit back, don’t think too hard, and enjoy. But it’s most promising moment is actually its mid-credits scene, and it is perhaps in Venom’s third act where we’ll really get to see the story shine! 

Probably the most experienced writer on custom installation in the industry, John Sciacca is co-owner of Custom Theater & Audio in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, & is known for his writing for such publications as Residential Systems and Sound & Vision. Follow him on Twitter at @SciaccaTweets and at johnsciacca.com.

PICTURE | Images are clean and sharp throughout, closeups exhibit a ton of detail, and the HDR presentation really helps images pop.

SOUND | The Dolby TrueHD Atmos soundtrack offers a lot of demo-worthy and dynamic moments, with a steady combination of subtle atmospherics to establish scenes along with over-the-top action.

© 2025 Cineluxe LLC

Review: The Last Duel

The Last Duel

review | The Last Duel

Ridley Scott does Rashomon, applying contemporary sensibilities to medieval morality in this tale of rape & warfare

by John Sciacca
December 5, 2021

At its heart, The Last Duel is a he said/she said story that certainly feels familiar in the post-#MeToo-movement world. But things were much worse for women back in the 14th Century, where it was definitely a man’s world and a woman’s primary role was to produce a male heir. The movie also informs us that a rape wasn’t a crime against a woman, but rather a property crime against her husband. Also, not only was a woman not even permitted to bring charges without her husband’s permission; if she was found to be guilty of bringing a false witness against a man, she was to be burned alive.

Similar to Akira Kurosawa’s 1950 film Rashomon, The Last Duel is presented in three “chapters,” with “the truth” as told through the principal characters’ point of view, with several of the same scenes shown over and over, but through the lens of how that character saw events. Also similar to Rashomon, the key bit of “truth” at stake here is whether or not a woman was raped.

Apparently, this was supposed to star Damon and Affleck—similar to their turns in Hunting—but due to other commitments, Affleck stepped aside from the leading role and instead took a smaller part as the wealthy cousin to King Charles VI, Count Pierre d’Alencon, and he looks so different with blonde hair and eyebrows that it was a few scenes before I recognized him. This actually was a good change, as Driver as Jacque Le Gris has more intensity, presence, and sheer physicality to be a more convincing opposite to Damon’s Sir Jean de Carrouges. 

As I mentioned in the opening of my King Richard review, cinematic “truth” often differs from the actual truth, and it appears The Last Duel is more a film based on actual events than the reality of what happened. You can learn more about the film’s historical accuracy in this article written by a medieval history professor. 

The film opens with a brief taste of the climactic final duel to come, showing the Carrouges and Le Gris facing off in a joust before a crowded arena, and then cutting to black as they make first contact. 

The film’s first chapter—“The truth according to JEAN DE CARROUGES”—is the longest and most fleshed out of the three, telling events from Carrouges’ perspective. While he fights alongside his friend Le Gris, jealousy develops over gifts and favor d’Alencon bestows on Le Gris. To improve his finances, Carrouges marries Lady Marguerite de Thibouville (Comer), the daughter of a disgraced gentleman, for her large dowry and rights to her estate; but part of the estate he is promised has actually been taken by d’Alencon and given to Le Gris. Adding further insult to Carrouges, d’Alencon appoints Le Gris to be captain of a fort that had been held by the Carrouges family for generations. When Carrouges returns from a trip collecting monies owed him from a conquest, Marguerite informs him that Le Gris came to the home while she was alone and forced himself on her. Knowing that d’Alencon will dismiss any case he brings, Carrouges appeals to King Charles VI (Alex Lawther), asking to defend his and his wife’s honor in a duel to the death, where God reveals the innocent party—i.e., the winner—proving their cause was truthful and just. 

The second chapter—“The truth according to JACQUES LE GRIS”—reveals another side of the triangle and develops events that happened beyond Carrouges’ perspective. Le Gris doesn’t deny the carnal relations—at first—but rather feels Marguerite was willing and consenting. “She made the customary protests,” he claims, but it definitely wasn’t rape. 

The final chapter is “The truth according to THE LADY MARGUERITE,” and the words “The Truth” linger on the screen for several seconds, implying this is how events really happened. Here we see how Marguerite is really dealt a poor hand, stuck in a difficult marriage to a difficult man, with the strain of not getting pregnant after years of marriage weighing heavily on them both. Her word over the rape is repeatedly questioned, and adding fuel to the doubters is the fact that she is now pregnant following the event. The dubious “science” of the day claimed a woman was unable to get pregnant unless she experienced “pleasure at the end,” and that “rape cannot result in pregnancy; this is just science.” So, if a woman was to become pregnant, she was really enjoying the act, so was it really a rape at all? 

Running just over two and a half hours, the film never feels rushed, but with a fair bit of action interspersed, the terrific cinematography, and a steady stream of “new” information, I never found it slow or dragging. It steadily builds in tension toward the final duel, and left me truly unsure of how it was going to finish. 

After some of the massive battles portrayed in Game of Thrones, impressing with epic medieval warfare isn’t easy, but Scott has proven he knows how to film battles both big and small, and the action here is up close, dirty, brutal, and violent. You feel like you are right in the midst of things, especially in the final duel where the hand-to-hand fighting is literally face-to-face at times. 

Shot on Arri at 4.5K, this transfer is taken from a true 4K digital intermediate presented in 2.39:1 aspect ratio. This film has epic scale and certainly deserves to be viewed on a big, cinematic screen where you can appreciate the huge country, locations, and sets. It looked terrific on my 115-inch screen. While not a criticism, images looked more film-like instead of having the tack-sharp ultra-resolution of many modern films, but that fit the movie’s feel.

There are plenty of scenes that show off the clarity and resolution. Closeups of Marguerite let you see her smooth skin and tiny pores, and equally view the ragged scar on Carrouges’ cheek. You can also appreciate the craftsmanship and texture in the costuming, from fine linens, heavy leathers and furs, satins and silks, and dense armor. In an opening scene, you can clearly see each individual link in chain mail armor or see the fine gold braiding in a detail around a hat or the fine stone and mortar lines in buildings and walls. 

Much of the movie is filmed in cold, wintry greys with overcast skies, with drab browns and other earth tones, so there aren’t a lot of big, saturated colors. The HDR grade does give us really natural-looking images, with loads of shadow detail. It also benefits the numerous scenes that were filmed either by roaring fire or candlelight, providing plenty of light to make the flames pop while still keeping blacks dark and detailed. The warm, golden glowing shots by candlelight come across especially well in HDR—and can also be tricky for lower-bitrate streamers, as they can cause posterization, but they looked beautiful and realistic here.

The Dolby TrueHD Atmos soundtrack is engaging, energetic, and immersive when it needs to be. From the opening, you’ll hear the background sounds of wind whistling around the room, crows cawing, bells ringing in the distance, and flags snapping overhead that place you right into the scene. Inside castles, you’ll hear the noise of raucous feasting, or the reverberance of voices echoing off hard castle walls, and the overhead sounds of rolling thunder.

Of course, the big audio moments are the battle scenes, and here all speakers are employed to immerse you in the mayhem. There are the thundering stomps of horse hooves in your sub channel, the huge clash and clang of steel on armor, and the sounds of flaming arrows sizzling overhead and whizzing past you into the back of the room. The final battle is long and especially brutal, and the sounds certainly heighten the tension and emotion. Dialogue has been increasingly difficult to understand in some films, but I’m happy to say I never had any issues here, and voices were always clear and intelligible in the center channel.

The Last Duel is available on digital platforms like Kaleidescape now, and will be released on UltraHD Blu-ray on December 14. While it is an intense film, and the rape scene—shown twice—is ugly and hard to watch, the movie is fueled by strong performances and beautiful cinematography, and it delivers an experience on a large, premium home entertainment system that will likely spark some conversations after the credits roll.

Probably the most experienced writer on custom installation in the industry, John Sciacca is co-owner of Custom Theater & Audio in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, & is known for his writing for such publications as Residential Systems and Sound & Vision. Follow him on Twitter at @SciaccaTweets and at johnsciacca.com.

PICTURE | The HDR grade provides natural-looking images with lots of shadow detail and also benefits the many scenes filmed either by roaring fire or candlelight

SOUND | The Dolby TrueHD Atmos soundtrack is engaging, energetic, and immersive when it needs to be

© 2025 Cineluxe LLC

Review: The Road Warrior

The Road Warrior (1981)

review | The Road Warrior

The second Mad Max film looks way better than expected in 4K HDR, and turns out to be a legitimately great action film to boot

by Dennis Burger
December 10, 2021

I’ve spent so many decades enjoying The Road Warrior in all its home video incarnations I’m a little surprised I’ve never stopped to consider whether or not it’s a good film. That’s not entirely unusual for me. Often, the actual quality of a movie has no bearing on my enjoyment thereof, as evidenced by the fact that I’ll watch Berry Gordy’s The Last Dragon any time you put it in front of me. 

So why start worrying about the merits of the second installment of the Mad Max franchise all these years later? The simple fact is that the new 4K HDR remaster forces you to reconsider it. It forces you to actively engage with the material rather than just passively consume it. That’s not to say it’s a perfect 4K presentation, but it exceeded my wildest expectations for what could be done with this source material. 

For one thing, the colors in Kaleidescape’s HDR10 presentation boast a level of purity and vibrancy I never would have guessed were locked within the negative. Secondaries in particular boast warmth that was hinted at in the old LaserDisc release but seems to have fallen by the wayside in transfers done since. Skin tones are delightfully sunbaked but still believable, at least in HDR10. (And I make that distinction because I turned off the HDR capabilities of my display as a quick test, and the color palette instantly became overbaked and cartoonish, so don’t judge the look of the film based on any screenshots that accompany this review. It needs to be seen in 10-bit color to be appreciated.)

Contrasts and black levels have also been improved substantially, which gives the image a depth and dimensionality that is astonishing at times, especially compared with the flatness and drabness of the Blu-ray. But by far the biggest improvements come from the increased resolution, which unlocks textures and details I’ve never seen in The Road Warrior. 

I don’t mean to imply that the film now looks like a modern work of cinema. Its low-budget, independent, early-’80s origins are still utterly evident. But what Warner Bros. has accomplished with this new remaster is, for the most part, staggering.

I say “for the most part” because there are some choices that irk me. While the bulk of the film exhibits a healthy level of coarse grain, most of the optical shots and some of the nighttime sequences have been scrubbed to the point of silliness, resulting in a sort of waxy artificiality that’s distracting. Thankfully, those oversteps are by far the exception rather than the rule. I also wish whoever had their hands on the knobs hadn’t aimed for such consistency with the black levels, which are perfectly fine for 99% of the film and give the image that pop it has long lacked but which tiptoe right up to the edge of being crushed in a handful of scenes. 

Other than that, the high-dynamic-range grade is spot-on for this sort of material. There are a few instances of high specular brightness—for example, the dollops of flame in the scene in which Max scopes out the oil-refinery camp—but for the most part the HDR seems to be more about adding nuance to the color palette than pushing your display to extremes of brightness, which is fitting. 

If you’re at all a Mad Max fan, you’ve no doubt heard about some controversy surrounding the audio mix for this 4K HDR release. In case you haven’t, here’s the short version: The film is accompanied by a Dolby Atmos remix that contains some new sound effects. And while Warner promised that the UHD Blu-ray would also include the original stereo soundtrack, the 2.0 mix included on the disc is actually a downmix of the new Atmos track. 

Warner has pulled all physical copies of the film off store shelves and will issue a corrected disc in 2022 as production pipelines allow. But the Kaleidescape download of the film lacks a stereo track entirely, so that particular controversy doesn’t apply here. Your only options are the new Atmos track and a 5.1 down-mix thereof. 

As a huge fan of the film (I’ve watched it twice this year already on Blu-ray, before I knew it was coming in 4K), I think this brouhaha is incredibly overblown. The Atmos mix is an improvement over the original stereo as well as the 5.1 mix that accompanied the Blu-ray release. Yes, there are some added effects, and yes, there’s a good bit more subwoofer-shaking bass. But you know what? It all just works. 

For the most part, the new audio elements remove distractions rather than sticking out like a sore thumb, and the mix is still predominantly true to both the stereo and six-track magnetic mixes of the original release. In fact, the only times you’ll likely be aware of any significant surround or overhead activity is in the opening shot—in which the camera pulls back from within the supercharger of Max’s iconic GT Falcon—as well as the scene in which Humungus’ biker gang attacks the oil-refinery camp. 

Dialogue is still a little dodgy in spots and Brian May’s score still sounds a little too hi-fi in comparison with the rest of the audio elements. But don’t let controversies about the new track keep you away from this 4K HDR release, assuming you’re interested to begin with.

To get back to my original point, it turns out The Road Warrior is actually a damned good action film. Who knew? In the dozens upon dozens of times I’ve watched it, I’ve largely ignored this fact. But it’s legitimately a tidy and poignant morality play that grapples with both the best and worst of human nature, shining a light on our capacity for violence without actually glorifying that violence, which is no mean feat. George Miller hadn’t quite yet honed his gift for narrative economy—certainly not to the degree on display in Fury Road—but there’s still a lot going on here beneath the surface. 

And in its new 4K HDR presentation, the film looks—with a few momentary exceptions—as good as I can imagine it ever looking, short of a ground-up restoration, which I’m not sure is entirely warranted or even possible.  

Dennis Burger is an avid Star Wars scholar, Tolkien fanatic, and Corvette enthusiast who somehow also manages to find time for technological passions including high-end audio, home automation, and video gaming. He lives in the armpit of Alabama with his wife Bethany and their four-legged child Bruno, a 75-pound American Staffordshire Terrier who thinks he’s a Pomeranian.

PICTURE | The colors in Kaleidescape’s HDR10 presentation boast a level of purity and vibrancy no one could have guessed was locked within the negative.

SOUND | Dialogue is still a little dodgy in spots and Brian May’s score still sounds a little too hi-fi, but the new Atmos mix is an improvement over the original stereo as well as the 5.1 mix that accompanied the Blu-ray release.

© 2025 Cineluxe LLC

Review: The Outsiders

review | The Outsiders

Francis Ford Coppola’s extended cut of his 1983 sleeper, packed with stars-in-the-making, fares well in this 4K release

by John Sciacca
December 13, 2021

You might notice that this release’s full title is The Outsiders: The Complete Novel. In 2005, director Francis Ford Coppola re-released the film on DVD with a longer cut with some deleted scenes reinserted, along with a new opening and finale, adding 22 minutes of restored footage (bringing the runtime to 114 minutes, still down from Coppola’s initial 133-minute cut Warner Bros. felt was too long), along with new music.

This cut is said to be more faithful to the book, and thus the re-branded title. Again, as this was my first viewing, I can’t comment on the impact of this “new” version, whether the added scenes do indeed flesh out the story, or if the music choices are improvements. But this is now Coppola’s cut of the film, and the one that is available in 4K HDR both from Kaleidescape and HBO Max. (My wife, who had watched the film before—and whose memories did “stay gold”—wasn’t familiar enough with the original cut to make any comments on this version either.)

If you know nothing else about The Outsiders, you’re probably at least aware that it was responsible for helping launch the careers of multiple young actors who would go on to be massive stars. And the film’s cast list is literally a who’s-who that includes C. Thomas Howell, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Tom Cruise, Diane Lane, Leif Garrett, and Tom Waits. 

The film takes places in 1965 in Oklahoma and primarily follows Ponyboy Curtis (Howell), who is the youngest of three brothers including middle brother Sodapop (Lowe) and oldest brother, Darrel (Swayze), who is forced into a caretaker role after the boys are orphaned after their parents die in an accident. Ponyboy’s best friend is Johnny (Macchio), and they all belong to a gang of boys from the north side of town called The Greasers. The Greasers all come from working-class, mostly broken families and frequently wear leather and denim. At the opposite end of the socio-economic and geographic spectrum is The Socs (pronounced “Sosh,” like the beginning of “socialite”), who come from the south side of town and are wealthy, with a sense of entitlement and superiority.

The Greasers and The Socs have near constant run-ins, as the two gangs regularly scuffle over establishing turf and proving their place in the town, and Ponyboy and Johnny are accosted while walking home near the beginning. When Pony, Johnny, and just-out-of-jail bad boy Dallas (Dillon) flirt with pretty Soc Cherry (Lane) at a drive-in movie, this rubs her boyfriend Bob (Garrett) the wrong way, and he and a gang of Socs track down Pony and Johnny and . . . well, things escalate.

The film slowly builds to a big rumble between the two gangs to settle things, though it’s clear several on both sides understand that nothing will really be settled or accomplished regardless of who wins the fight. It also features more teen smoking than you’ll likely ever see in a film. 

Originally filmed in 35mm, I couldn’t locate any information about the new 4K transfer, but it’s apparent a lot of cleanup has been done, as the film looks pristine. Images are clean, focus is sharp, and edges are well-defined. There is a bit of grain in some of the outdoor shots of the denim-blue skies, but it’s never objectionable. It isn’t like the images have been scrubbed of noise and detail, as they just look very natural. Overall, the film has a clarity and depth that belies its age. 

You get an early glimpse into the quality and color just from the opening credits. Often titles in older films can be a mess, but here the text is clean and sharp, overlayed on stills of golden-tinted backgrounds. You can see some of the fine detail in the rocks lining the sides of the train tracks as Pony walks home or in the fabric detail of closeups of jeans or the plaid in shirts. There is plenty of detail in the actors’ faces, certainly enough to show how smooth everyone’s young skin is. 

While most of the movie looks incredibly freshened, there are two scenes that really don’t match the look of the film—one is a dream of a car being smashed by a train and the other is a church collapsing in a fire. These elements looked dropped in and really stand out, to the point that I would call them visually jarring. (Though, maybe that was Coppola’s intent.)  

While black levels aren’t pitch black, they are dark and free of noise. The HDR grade gives some nice pop to bright lights like room lamps, star points in the sky, car headlights, glinting highlights off chrome, or some roaring fires, but the transfer’s goal is to deliver natural, lifelike images, and that’s where it succeeds. Whether it is outdoor shots in bright sun, low-lit interiors, or dark night shots, there’s always plenty of shadow detail. Where we see colors really pop is in the rich, golden-red sunrise Pony and Johnny watch. 

This transfer features a 5.1-channel DTS-HD Master Audio track that has a surprising amount of ambience and surround activity. From the sounds of crickets, to birds chirping, dogs barking, the crackling of fires, or voices talking around you at the drive-in, there is a lot going on to flesh out what’s happening on screen. Watched through a modern upmixer, there are even moments when sounds are lifted up overhead, such as whistling wind or the scratches of a raccoon. 

Coppola redid the music for the 2005 DVD release, and that is actually one of my biggest complaints here. The songs he selected—most of them sung by Elvis Presley—are often so on the nose as to be distracting, such as playing “Mystery Train” as the pair boards a train out of town, and “We’re Gonna Move” when they are moving into an abandoned church. It’s all a bit like playing Talking Heads’ “Burning Down the House” while you’re watching a house burning down. Also, the music levels are really loud, to the point where it was difficult to understand dialogue at some points, such as right before the big rumble. The upmixer does give the music a lot of presence, though, allowing it to really spread across the front channels and up into the ceiling for a more immersive sound. 

What makes the film so interesting is watching these soon-to-be stars finding their way, and delivering real performances. Dillon, Lane, and Swayze definitely show their charisma, Lowe and Howell their ability to emote and display sensitivity, Estevez already has his signature delivery and mannerisms, and Macchio’s Johnny is definitely the pre-cursor to Daniel-san in The Karate Kid. Interestingly, the star who really doesn’t shine as brightly is Cruise, whose Steve Randle is not much more than a whiny, big-toothed loudmouth.  

If you grew up loving the movie, or had somehow managed to avoid seeing it, this is certainly the best The Outsiders has ever looked, and certainly gives a chance to see an incredible ensemble of actors learning their craft. Further, the Kaleidescape download is loaded with features that giver a deeper dive into the making of the film, including table readings by most of the stars, featurettes on the casting, and “Staying Gold,” which offers a look back on the movie’s impact. 

Probably the most experienced writer on custom installation in the industry, John Sciacca is co-owner of Custom Theater & Audio in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, & is known for his writing for such publications as Residential Systems and Sound & Vision. Follow him on Twitter at @SciaccaTweets and at johnsciacca.com.

PICTURE | It’s apparent a lot of cleanup has been done, as the film looks pristine, and the bit of grain visible in some of the outdoor shots is never objectionable. Overall, the film has a clarity and depth that belies its age.

SOUND | The 5.1-channel DTS-HD Master Audio track has a surprising amount of ambience and surround activity but the music is mixed too loud, sometimes drowning out the dialogue.

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